We need your help!

We are a voluntary organisation with all donations being used to help the Westies that come into our care. One of our main sources of income derives from the 'friends' subscription fee. This is an annual donation for which you'll receive three Friends Magazines, keeping you abreast with our ongoing work. You are also invited to contribute with your letters and articles.


The current subscription rate to become a 'Friend' is £15.00 per annum.

We NOW ACCEPT DONATIONS by CREDIT & DEBIT CARDS over the telephone or by email. To make a donation over the telephone please call: 0300 330 1494 and request to make a donation to The Westie Rescue Scheme. 

By becoming a 'Friend', you ensure that our charity can continue its incredibly successful work.

Westie and girl

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About Westie Rescue Scheme

About Westie Rescue Scheme

We are a national organisation formed by the late Barbara Graham in the late 1970's. Initially we consisted of a few caring colleagues who struggled to make ends meet against all odds and in the face of adversity. The more widely recognised The Westie Rescue Scheme of the present day came into being in 1993. The Scheme now has over 2500 registered 'friends'.

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